Posted tagged ‘Website’

Best Barack Statement

July 30, 2008

Breaking news:  Republicans are now cute.  Yesterday, they launched the site “BarackBook” in an effort to portray “Obama’s poor judgment.”  For some reason, the Republican National Committee (led by this guy trying to elect this guy) thought it would best to play to the youth vote.  You know, the inspired and progressive generation of college students and young professionals.

Well, I don’t think it worked too well.  The only recent website launch with similar backlash was the new search engine “Cuil,” which irked new users by returning random pages of results, even during a search for “Cuil.”  Likewise, the discussion on BarackBook and the accompanying Facebook application turned quite negative on McCain and the site quite quickly.

The Obama campaign wasted little time with the silly site.  Campaign spokesperson Tommy Vieter:

“For comment on the new RNC site, I’d refer you to their own discussion board, specifically the topic ‘The site is lame.'”

Facebook count

Barack Obama:  1,231,398

John McCain:  184,216

Aaron Robinson:  477