Posted tagged ‘Republican Political Cartoon’

We need it he freeze it.

October 31, 2008

McCain’s spending freeze isn’t breaking news, but it’s one of his scariest proposals.  He’s right about one thing:  drastically increases taxes will further damage our economy.  Fortunately, no one is proposing across the board tax increases.  In fact, Obama–the usual target of McCain’s “tax and spend” lies–is proposing a tax cut for 95% of American workers.  And that would be on top of household savings from health care costs, better health, and higher wages from a stimulated economy.

McCain is wrong about another fundamental part of the economy; government spending.  His blunt force government spending freeze would eliminate jobs and drive the economy into a complete recession, if we’re not there already.  It’s a dangerous proposal, and foresight into McCain’s governing style of zero attention to detail, no fact-based solutions, and policies that politically sound good, but fail to deliver.

In addition, this overzealous measure is confusing when stacked next to McCain’s plans to spend billions in Iraq and in new programs.  In Governor Palin’s first “major policy address” (the week before the election) she promised to fully fund research into Autism, among other diseases.  Would that fall under McCain’s own spending freeze?  Who knows.  These policies are only based on politics.  We need strong politics for four more days to pick a winner in this race.  Then, we need strong policies for four more years.  If the last twenty months are any indication of what’s to come, Obama is the only candidate in this race with the ability to lead.

In Tow.

October 13, 2008

Still behind schedule, but still going.  In Tow. captures the McCain policies from the viewer perspective of the second presidential debate. Bush, Cheney, and Rove let McCain have his little fun running wild as  “maverick,” but no longer.  McCain’s staff of attack dogs–literally a repeat of the Bush campaigns–has led McCain’s straight talk astray and into the realm of Bush-Cheney-Rove policies and politics.

Its like people who buy a sports car they can’t afford:  its fun to cruise around for a while, but eventually the people with the power show up and repo it in the middle of the night.

Not even close.

October 7, 2008

Part two of Take Back the Flag’s cartoon series.  We’re a little behind schedule posting this right after the Obama-McCain debate, but we’ll get back on track.  Click the cartoon for the full size, and please share your comments and suggestions below.

Core Expectations.

October 3, 2008

Welcome to a new series for Take Back the Flag. Our first of hopefully many concise and potent cartoons capturing American politics.  (Click cartoon for full size.)

My drawing skills are quite basic, but please submit additional ideas in the comment section below.