Posted tagged ‘Radical Right Wing’

Basic Rights, Under Attack

November 3, 2008

California is as close as possible to a sure win for Senator Obama in the 2008 presidential election.  Yet calls Proposition 8, the disgusting proposed constitutional amendment to “protect marriage,” a toss-up in this liberal west-coast elitist state (

Marriage is one of those issues that divides America, and likely will continue to do so into the future.  I’ve always mantained that regardless of your personal feelings on marriage, the most important change we need is a fair recognition of civil rights for all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation (among other individual characteristics).  Government should stay out of the marriage business, leaving it to the private sector and religion to determine acceptable practices.  It is unacceptable for loving couples to miss out on visitation rights, access to health benefits, and more because they happen to be with someone of the same gender.

The fairness argument won’t fly with radical individuals, but in general, it takes out the divisiveness of religion and puts the government in a non-judgmental place to ensure equal rights–from the government perspective only–for all.

Gavin Newsom, the Mayor of San Francisco, changed my mind about marriage and civil unions.  I never realized how deeply government is involved in the legal aspects of marriage.  While it still might be politically and practically adventageous to only pursue civil unions for all couples to ensure equal rights, it might not be the moral course of action.

Watch the video below of Mayor Newsom at a recent Policy Talk@Google.  He’s quite convincing.

Also, check out the art below from a guest submission to Take Back the Flag.  Engaged voters, with passion, creativity, and generosity, will continue to fight against extreme right-wing causes.  It’s sad that so much is wasted defending the most basic civil rights from unnecessary legislation from the ballot boxes.  But we’ll continue to work hard to do so.  Californians, please vote no on Proposition 8 this Tuesday.

no_on_83-copyArtwork credit:  Thane and Sara