Posted tagged ‘Hunting’

Take Back the Flag Award: Excellence in CNN Commenting

October 23, 2008

In a world full of insensitive and ignorant comments on, SoCal’s comment yesterday, October 22, 2008 at 2:23PM Eastern Standard Time, stands out as concise, insightful, and honest.

Responding to the CNN Political Ticker entry, “Palin flies over corn-cut image of herself,” SoCal writes:

It’s shame that there wasn’t a moose running free on that field, so Sarah Palin could show reporters her ability at shooting animals from a plane.

How true.  Palin’s ardent and financial advocacy for the so-called sport of shooting innocent animals from a plane is just one of her many outlandish and out-of-touch policies that goes hand-in-hand with her out-of-touch personal and family life.  Let’s save the animals of the National Zoo and keep Governor Sarah Palin far away from Washington, D.C.