Posted tagged ‘Corporate’

26 Years.

October 6, 2008

John McCain’s distinguished public service career spans 26 years.  In a sense, its very honorable.  But looking at the character of Senator McCain revealed in the current campaign, his service looks more like a power grab to benefit himself and his friends.  Now, in the midst of another financial crisis stemming from industry deregulation, McCain is trying to distance himself from Washington.  One minute he’s the experience leader putting country first, the next, he’s a reforming maverick who’s ready to change Washington.  26 years later?  Its about time.

The only mavericky thing McCain did was pick Sarah Palin.  McCain must have felt like such an insider that he needed to bring in an extreme outsider who has no Washington experience, no credibility, and no understanding of the world around her.

Senator Obama, on McCain’s sudden reach for the outsider status: