Posted tagged ‘Campaign 2010’

Barbara Boxer: Is that you?

July 10, 2009

Google does a great job with targeted ads (full disclosure:  they also use the money made from those ads to pay my salary).  Sometimes, they do such a great that I click on the ad.  I’m often curious to see what campaign websites look like, and end up clicking on campaign ads for local campaigns and other random races that show up in my Gmail sponsored section.  Today I clicked on an ad for Barbara Boxer, and found these two perplexing pictures:

Barbara Boxer

What’s the deal? I don’t maintain Take Back the Flag to comment on personal appearances, but that looks like two different people.  It’s especially interesting that the “greyer” picture only appears on the special Google splash page (, and no on the main home page or even normal splash screen (the welcome screen you see asking you to contribute if you don’t get there via a Google ad).  A Google image search does little to clear up this question.  One other indication is the box-around-the-x logo.  On the main home page, it’s a white box, and on the Google splash, it’s a black box, and more simple.  Maybe the Google splash page is an old edition?